CYRSTI'S Transition PICTURE Timeline.

Welcome to the condo!
I am updating this room (finally) as part of an ongoing project to finally put some sort of time line pictures to many of the experiences I write about.

The Time Line begins with my "Cross Dressing Years".

Since many of you  have asked for a before and after of me and looks from years ago.. Here it is and I have to tell you it took a lot of courage to do this!

The first blond picture below represented literally years of my life. I literally wore that wig out! The picture below  is from at least 5 years ago, but I used the look at least 10 years before that.  The second blond to the right is my "Suicide Blond" look. I called it that because I got busted nearly everytime I wore it. A bad idea waiting to happen-and it normally did! The final blond #4 below is an example of a picture being better than I deserved! Years ago!

Picture #3  is my "Red" long and curly look and dates back to when I really started my transition in earnest  - approx 4 years ago. I just had to finally find a replacement wig for the blond. The red was long curly and fun plus drew a few "good reviews". Picture number 5 to the right is the red wig again taken three summers ago in a pub restroom I go to. I think I was upset with several people not believing my experiences so I began to take a few pictures to show them...thus the pout!





Finally I went from a long curly red to the black curls above #6. The very dark color is the same shade of my natural hair color (before the gray) but my Mom's side of the family was populated with red heads. Similar to the red, the dark hair was long, curly and even exotic if I could fix it right.  Plus for what ever reason, it just wasn't a comfortable wig to wear. I finally ended up feeling I was way more impressed with the way this hair looked on me, than anyone else.

Tweener:  The picture on the right is from my first summer on HRT, still wearing a wig. Changes were beginning with my body skin. I always called this my "attitude" shot and very much portrays what I think about most things.

As time moved on, I had the opportunity to start HRT New Years Eve 2011/2012. By the time October of 2012 my hair had grown to a length that my daughter gave me the best birthday gift of my life-an appointment to get my hair done at a local upscale salon. All of the sudden, my wigs were out the door and I was learning quickly the benefits and drawbacks of keeping up and wearing my own hair. These are my  "Transition Pictures" To the left is the picture taken after my first appointment. Out with the gray-in with the red! I think what amazes me most about this picture is how much thicker and longer my hair has become since then.
Below is an example from last winter when I went darker again with the color.

The final two pictures are important as they are showing a dramatic increase in the fullness of my hair and how the HRT was starting to work on my face.
The first picture (right) is an example of what I call a  "clean face" picture.

I'm only wearing a touch of  foundation and eye liner.  This picture was taken before Trans Ohio last spring

Finally,  below was a complete makeup job done by a person who knows what she is doing. It drives me crazy because I never wear my hair pulled back off my face like that. But she wanted to show me the effects of makeup. Today the final process is somewhere between the two and my hair is normally just crazy hard to control which I love!

However, I'm so very insecure about posting all these pictures of me. I know it seems like the supreme act of a narcissistic ego.  But they do show how far I have come in this process and how far I have to go. My idea of pictures are they are a one dimensional space in time deal. Plus in this day and age, pictures can be manipulated in a million ways to portray any image a person desires.

I can only hope after seeing these pictures you would recognize me in public...this is as real as I can get!

 I would also like to thank Tracy who indirectly prodded me to finally get this done!

Other Fun nights: I can't thank these friends enough for opening their minds and hearts to me and always accepting me for who I am.

The whole group, woman with sombrero asked if my hair was real!
Girls night out-
Mindy and I
Halloween 2012

Kathy and I
Liz and I  Witches Ball, 2011 Newport Ky.

More to come!!!!!

These are more recent pix taken last summer of 2018 and the fall/winter of 2018.

Before and after 2007/2019

Seasons Change

  Image from Jamiethlene Reskspe on UnSplash. It appears that Spring has quit teasing us here in Southern Ohio and is finally here to stay. ...